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  1. It is the responsibility of local associations and AA organizations to appoint a "Mr. Clean" manager for each team up to the 18U (Midget) division.

  2. Among the tasks:

    (a) Make sure that each player has his own equipment (helmet, glove, bat) and that this equipment cannot be shared.  

    (b) Ensure that each player has their own water bottle.

    (c) Ensure that each player has their own instant disinfectant.

    (d) Ensure that each player does not have any sunflower seeds or gum in their bag.

    (e) Make sure that parents and teammates are socially distancing during the game.

    (f) Ensure that each player passes in front of the team manager, washes his hands and answers health questions before entering the field:

    (i) Do I have a fever?
    ​ (temperature over 38°C or 100.4°F).

    (ii) Do I have any of the following symptoms: (onset or aggravation of a cough, difficulty breathing, extreme fatigue, sudden loss of sense of smell without nasal congestion, with or without loss of taste, muscle pain, headache, significant loss of appetite, sore throat, diarrhea).

  3. Wash hands two (2) times during the course of the game.

  4. Procedure for catcher's equipment and bats.

  5. Each team provides its own balls when on defence.

  6. It is suggested that all players (officials, coaches and players) wear the mask.

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